Using the Code Editor

Make sure you have an active account, or make one to access the Code Editor

Example Code for a Model

Start a new model by going to the Code Editor where we will be writing our valuation model.

Copy the following base code into the editor:

    NUMBER: 5,
    _RATE: ''
    // We need to make sure we don't edit the _profile variable
    // Editing it could cause caching problems in the Watchlist page
    var response = new Response({
      profile: _profile,

    // Use console.log() to inspect the data
    // Press F12 or right-click to inspect the Console
    // You will see an exapandable object (profile)

    // Print messages to the screen
    print("Hello World!", "First Message");
    print(response.profile.companyName, "Company's Name");
    print(response.profile.price, "Stock Price", "#", response.profile.currency);
    print(, "Company's Website");
  catch (error) {

Running & Saving the Code

To run your code, you need to fill in a Ticker (Example: AAPL for Apple Inc.) and press Run. You can also name your model and save it.

This retrieves the company’s profile data and prints out a Hello World message, the company’s name, the last stock price and the company’s website.

Press F12 or right-click and Inspect the page, and you will see an expandable object. This is the profile object that we have logged using console.log(profile);. If you expand it, you will see all the properties the object has. These properties are information about the company such as the company’s full name (profile.companyName).

The following will be printed in the Terminal:

>>> First Message: Hello World!
>>> Company's Name: Apple Inc.
>>> Stock Price: 148.79
>>> Company's Website: